Clubs and Activities

Clubs and Organizations

Club/Organization Advisor

Art & Adventure Club Goulet

Band, Jazz Barre

Band, Pep Barre

Band, Pit Barre

Chess Club Kent

Civil Rights Team Mitchell

Drama Bushee

Dungeons and Dragons Kent

Envirothon Frith

Esports Kent

French Club Duquette

French Honor Society Duquette

Green Team Letourneau

Homeroom Buddies Blanchet

Intramural Fowler

Investment Club Colby First Gen Investors 

Junior Classics League Metcalf

Key Club Lefresne

Latin Honor Society Metcalf

Math Team Kent

National Honor Society Graham

Ocean Bowl Ramgren

Ping Pong Metcalf

Robotics MMTC

Science Olympiad Ramgren


Sound Check Hargrove

Sources of Strength Strout/Cole/Serbent

Speech & Debate Team TBD

Queer Alliance Veilleux

Student Government Bushee and Dow

Thespian Society Bushee

TriM Music Honor Society   Wheatley

Upward Bound Cole

Yearbook Jabar

Group Descriptions

Art & Adventure Club: Dedicated to adventures big and small. Events are scheduled before, during and outside of school. Some of our adventures/activities include Hiking/Navigation, Canoeing/Bird watches, Wellness/Nutrition (food), Skiing/Snowshoeing, culture tours/museum visits, Cycling/International Cuisine, and Service to our adventure community (sign making and maintaining for the Appalachian Trail) No experience is required. We provide most of the required equipment and can help find the proper clothing if needed. The only requirement is a willingness to enjoy an adventure with others. Where would you like to go?

Jazz Band: Meets Tuesday mornings 6:45 - 7:45 AM and performs jazz music at school events and competes at the state jazz festival annually. Students must be enrolled in band, strings, or chorus to take part.

Pit Orchestra: Meets Sunday evenings 68 PM from September to November and performs the music for the annual fall musical

Pep Band: Rehearses during regular band class and before football and basketball games. The role of the band is to support the athletic teams.  Students must be enrolled in band, strings, or chorus to take part.

Civil Rights Team:  Initiates projects that engage their school community in thinking and talking about issues related to race and skin color, national origin and ancestry, religion, disabilities, gender (including gender identity and expression) and sexual orientation in an age-appropriate manner.

The Drama Club: Drama Produces a Fall Musical and a Spring OneAct Play each year. The OneAct Play competes in the MPA Festival Competition. One must audition to get a part in a play. For both plays, rehearsals are generally three to four times a week.

Dungeons and Dragons: Do you love adventure? Do you love exploring different worlds and using your mind's maximum creative power? If you answered yes to any of those questions then Dungeons and Dragon Club is for you! An epic role-playing adventure all from the seat of a desk. We take players of all levels from beginners to the well seasoned players! In this club, we design fictional characters that you as a player get to act as through a series of storytelling events all weaved by the dungeon master. Email Mr. Kent, at, or stop in and see him in room 243 and get your sense of adventure!

Envirothon: The Envirothon is an international environmental and natural resource problem-solving competition that builds leadership experience for high school students (grades 9-12 or ages 14-19). Incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) principles, experiential learning and hands-on outdoor field experiences, the Envirothon program encourages students to expand their knowledge and explore environmental education and natural resource conservation in the areas of Aquatic Ecology, Forestry, Soils and Land Use, Wildlife and Current Environmental Issues.

Esports: Esports officially stands for electronic sports, not to be confused with video games. Esports takes video gaming to another level with organized, competitive gameplay between two teams. Esports requires teamwork, communication, critical and strategic thinking, creativity, sportsmanship, and leadership. 

Green Team: Interested in being a part of making our planet a greener place? Green Team is a student lead group devoted to just that. Activities include recycling, educating the WSHS community, eradicating Styrofoam from our cafeteria, outreach in the community, Earth Day activities, and maintaining our Growing Tower and Hydration Stations. We meet on Friday mornings.

Homeroom Buddies: Homeroom Buddies are students who have demonstrated respectful and responsible behavior during their 3 years at Waterville Senior High School.  They are known as good school citizens and come highly recommended by the faculty.  Two students are assigned to freshman homerooms to act as mentors and help freshmen navigate the school.  They make connections with their buddies through games and activities every Tuesday during homeroom time.

Intramural Volleyball & Basketball: In between the winter and spring sports seasons, casual volleyball and basketball games are held in the gym after school one or two days a week. Dates and times will be announced in February. 

Investment Club: The WSHS Investment Club partners with Colby College and First Generation Investors (FGI) to provide an opportunity for Junior and Seniors to learn about the power of investing and provides program graduates with real money to invest. Colby College student volunteers teach the basics of investing over the course of 8 weekly after school sessions. Students then create a final portfolio of $100, which they receive in the form of a real investment account upon their graduation from high school. 

Junior Classical League (Latin Club): Junior Classical League is a student-led club that is committed to the classical language through ancient and modern experiences. We focus on community service, camaraderie, and Latin contests that range from history and culture to track and field events.

Key Club: A wonderful way to help the community both the school and the city.  Volunteer and meet new friends and go to a convention!

Math Team: If you love math and enjoy a challenge then this is for you. Compete with others like you against other schools in Central Maine and across the state. There are 5 meets through the school year culminating in a state meet with over 100 teams from across the state. Join the math team, have fun doing math problems, learn new ways to approach challenging problems, and it looks GREAT on your high school transcript when applying for college!

National Honor Society: An invitation to apply for membership in the National Honor Society is extended to second-semester juniors who have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 90 or higher. Students must apply for consideration, and if selected, are a part of a nationally recognized organization that represents academic excellence, character, and service. National Honor Society members provide peer-tutoring services and are involved in community service projects, including the Walk for Warmth, an evening sandwich program, and the Waterville Homeless Shelter.

National Ocean Sciences Bowl (a.k.a. Ocean Bowl) is a team of 4 or 5 students who study about the ocean and compete against other schools in a college bowl format at the Nor'easter Bowl. The questions are wide-ranging and can be anything about the ocean. The competition is in February and takes a whole Saturday. Students study on their own, using resources suggested on the NOSB web site.

Ping Pong Club: This club meets after school once a week in the break between fall and winter sports. There are 4 ping pong tables set up in the gym. Paddles and balls are provided for singles and doubles matches. The last week is a tournament for a $50 cash prize. All are welcome.

Robotics: Robotics is the field concerned with the construction, programming, and use of robots, specialized machines designed to perform certain tasks that humans assign. Teams of high school students are challenged to build industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game in alliance with other teams, while also fundraising to meet their goals, designing a team “brand,” and advancing respect and appreciation for STEM within the local community.

The Science Olympiad Team: Competes in the Maine State Science Olympiad Tournament every spring. Since 2016, we have participated in the MIT Invitational tournament that happens in January. We hope to win the state tournament and go to the National Tournament in May. We have gone to Nationals 18 times over the last 21 years (as of June 2019).  Team members work in pairs on 23 different events. Some involve building devices, some are paper and pencil tests, and some are lab events. The events cover a wide range of topics. We start meeting once a week in September. This becomes twice a week in November and three times a week in February. If you like science and learning new material, this may be the team for you.

Sources of Strength: The mission of Sources of Strength is to prevent suicide by increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and caring adults. Trained student leaders lead suicide prevention and mental health awareness campaigns focuses on resiliency and hope, by empowering strength in each other. 

Speech and Debate Team: The Speech and Debate Clubs are open to all students in grades 9 through 12. Practices are held during the week where students develop their public speaking, debating, and acting abilities. The members will compete in 45 speech and/or debate competitions held around the state. A practice schedule will be developed at the first meeting in the fall.

Queer Alliance: Waterville Senior High's Queer Alliance is dedicated to understanding differences and creating a diverse community where students can feel safe and be accepted for themselves.

Student Government: Elections for class officers are held in the fall for incoming freshmen. Help plan dances, fundraisers, Spirit Week Activities and more for your class.

Thespian Society: An International Honor's Society for Drama. One earns points toward membership while working on Drama Productions. There are many benefits to becoming a Thespian Society Member: gold cords for graduation, scholarship opportunities, Drama magazine, etc..

TriM National Honor Music Society: A chapter of the National Organization which is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements and to provide leadership and service opportunities to young musicians, All music students may apply each fall, any music student who wishes to share their passion for music with others in the school community and beyond is welcome to apply students must have GPA of at least 2.85. TriM meets once a month on Friday mornings.

Upward Bound is a Federal program to which WSHS students can apply. The program provides academic support to pursue a college education, including an annual summer program at the University of Maine at Farmington. Upward Bound supports high school students (especially first-generation college students) to increase their academic performance so they are successful in high school and prepared to pursue a college education. Students are selected based on teacher recommendations.

Yearbook Club: Make your year one to remember! Put your photography, writing or design skills to work and create your school yearbook.

All students involved in nonathletic cocurricular groups that publicly represent Waterville Senior High School and do not have their own national standards, students participating in Drama, Jazz Band, Sound Check/Show Choir, JCL, Math Team, Science Olympiad, Speech and Debate, and Ocean Bowl must sign, along with their parents, the Cocurricular Participation Agreement for Public Clubs.  Students participating in other nonathletic cocurricular groups must sign the Cocurricular Participation Agreement for NonPublic Clubs.  These agreements can be found on District Document Templates.  Cocurricular advisors must submit a roster and signed contracts from all students in their clubs to the assistant principal by the end of September.