Staff Directory

Main Office

Brian Laramee - Principal

Keith Mahoney - Assistant Principal

Jean Cote - Nurse

Jaime Davis - Office Manager

Sarah Pickell - Receptionist

Athletics Office

Heidi Bernier- Athletic Director

Leslie DuVall - Athletics Secretary


Lisa Hallen, PHD:  Director & Counselor: Grades 9-12 

Amy Cole, MEd:  Counselor: Grades 9-12  

Brittany Strout, MEd:  Counselor: Grades 9-12  

Bridget Jabar - Registrar  

Erickia Gallup - Secretary  

ESOL Services

Nancy Mitchell

Cathy Lovendahl

Julia Badaraco

Andrea Kuhlthau (AR class)

Library/Media Center

Julie Letourneau Ayers- Lead Librarian

Dawn England - Circulation Desk

Shirley Ingalls - Study Hall Monitor


Michael Crommett - Director

Cory Brown - Lead Custodian

Cody Brown - Custodian

Brandon Jackson - Custodian

Gavin LaChance  - Custodian

Ken Carey - Maintenance

Sean Pierce - Maintenance

Food Service

John Hersey  - Director of Food Service

Brenda Gosline - Food Service Secretary

Stephen Hale - Kitchen Manager

Tania Hanson - Assistant Cook

Alisa Jolicoeur  - Assistant Cook

Chris Whitten- Assistant Cook

Special Services: 

Teaching Staff  

Heather Blanchet

Alyza Burwood - Life Skills & Lighthouse

Rae Folsom

Sheila Lefresne

Wendy Serbent

Special Services:

Educational Technicians  

Christina LaChance

Tiffany LaLiberty

Cherri-Lee Bickford

Melissa Magee

Lori Munro

Peter Perkins

Amanda Price-Kent

Amanda Veilleux

Jessica Wells

Kathy Worcester

Emily Wormell


Michelle Fowler

Katie Souviney


Alternative School  

Earl Watts -Lead teacher

Stephanie Pinnette - Secretary

Kevin Achorn

Andrew Ayers

Jessica Hamilton-Jones

Dennis Martin 

Joshua Gordon

Department Chairs

Counseling and Career Prep:  Lisa Hallen

English:  Margaret Downs-Gamble

World Language:  Heather Duquette

Math:  Donna Forkey

Media Center:  Julie Letourneau Ayers

Science:  Justin Giroux 

Social Studies:  Don Ashton

Special Services:  Rae Folsom

Visual & Performing Arts:  Sue Barre

Wellness:  Michelle Fowler